In my experience, the bigger the team the higher the risk of going from launch to launch :

1. Spending a lot of energy.

2. Without achieving anything of value.

This can be a great advantage for solopreneurs and creators.

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The launch cycle can be difficult. But there is a different energy when you’re live. There’s a time and place for it for sure.

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Even though I view things through a "minimalist lense", my marketing still gets bloated. Always smart to review and simplify, and even better if you analyze it before adding it to avoid the bloat!

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It's almost as if we're in a constant cycle of simplifying after it gets bloated. Sometimes it's a matter of testing various things to identify the "single" or "simple" thing that generates the biggest return and then doubling down on it. Over the years I found myself in a very similar position and only through repeated "simplification" have I been able to catch it sooner.

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Absolutely, I think it's always a good exercise to do in many different areas of our lives. I started publishing a weekly recap on Medium two weeks ago, and end each recap with a section called "How Can I Simplify?"

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Love that. How do you find Medium vs. Substack? I have not used Medium much but hear a lot of creators and writers talk about it.

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They have overlaps, and I do enjoy both. I use Medium more as you would a blog, and Substack more as your would a newsletter platforms (and Notes as social media).

In my opinion, Medium is "easier" to monetize if you're eligible for their Partner Program, but Substack is "easier" to scale.

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Good to know. I personally haven't noticed the "growth" everyone is raving about with Substack notes from an organic sense but I will continue to write!

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