I wish every writer, especially developing writers, would read this. Two essential points you make are the keys to succeeding. 1. Do not compare ourselves with anyone else. 2. Every step we take moves us ahead. There is no one-size. I'm glad I read this.

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Thank you for reading Maryan :)

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Great message and such an important reminder to keep going. Thank you for this

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Thank you for taking the time to read.

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Back problems suck. I like the idea of persevering through. We all want quick fixes. It’s trudging through and showing up that are the real wins.

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I wish there was a quick fix for this dang back of mine!! I just wanna play sports again! One day at a time.

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Yeah I’m so sorry! I threw my back out after my third kid. If I rake, bend, or do repetitive movement, it hurts! I use a lot of biofreeze and keep the chiropractor employed. lol

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HA. I wish I had a record of the $$ spent on physio, chiro, massage, acupuncture, floats, all in the name of my back

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You’d probably cry 😢 lol

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Such great information. Love this philosophy!

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