Love your approach: Substack as a game! Personally I’m not big on games (lol) but my approach is Substack as experiment. I experiment on daily /weekly /monthly basis with formats, challenges, spotlights etc. To see how I can provide most value, and high quality content to members of my community.
Love your approach: Substack as a game! Personally I’m not big on games (lol) but my approach is Substack as experiment. I experiment on daily /weekly /monthly basis with formats, challenges, spotlights etc. To see how I can provide most value, and high quality content to members of my community.
I love that approach. Everything we do is a test and gives us insights. I am sure you will continue to learn a lot by intentional experimentation. Any big takeaways so far?
So far: 1) Awe of the skills and talents with the community 2) appreciation of courage to show up and write even when life is challenging and difficult 3) the spirit of pay it forward and the support and encouragement that’s present
Love your approach: Substack as a game! Personally I’m not big on games (lol) but my approach is Substack as experiment. I experiment on daily /weekly /monthly basis with formats, challenges, spotlights etc. To see how I can provide most value, and high quality content to members of my community.
I love that approach. Everything we do is a test and gives us insights. I am sure you will continue to learn a lot by intentional experimentation. Any big takeaways so far?
So far: 1) Awe of the skills and talents with the community 2) appreciation of courage to show up and write even when life is challenging and difficult 3) the spirit of pay it forward and the support and encouragement that’s present
Love it. I agree with all 3.