I feel like this comes back to that infancy piece as well... Instagram is such an oversaturated abyss, but Substack feels more considered and high-quality. It's wild because it *has* actually been around for a few years, but it really does feel like the Substack engine is just revving up.
I feel like this comes back to that infancy piece as well... Instagram is such an oversaturated abyss, but Substack feels more considered and high-quality. It's wild because it *has* actually been around for a few years, but it really does feel like the Substack engine is just revving up.
Yes, I first heard of it in 2018 and remember looking into it but feeling like I had nothing to say. Time has flown but very happy to be here now (bursting with ideas, no less).
I feel like this comes back to that infancy piece as well... Instagram is such an oversaturated abyss, but Substack feels more considered and high-quality. It's wild because it *has* actually been around for a few years, but it really does feel like the Substack engine is just revving up.
It's been around since 2017! Crazy, right. And we still feel early. Things will evolve as it matures, like all platforms do.
Yes, I first heard of it in 2018 and remember looking into it but feeling like I had nothing to say. Time has flown but very happy to be here now (bursting with ideas, no less).