I like what you are saying. Ultimately I think what a lot of us crave is a sense of freedom. Being able to set our own schedule, being able to be somewhere if we want to without having to ask permission or being limited to X days per year. I like to have options... at the moment I like moving around, but I know I will slow down at some point (I already did) and find a balance/compromise. What makes me happy today might not be the same in 1 year or 5 years.
I’ve got so much to say on this. I’ve always been fascinated with the digital nomad life and technically, I could be one now. I’ve been one in the past.
It’s fun for awhile but it gets very lonely. It actually makes you appreciate the security and familiarity of your home base after you’ve nomaded for awhile.
It’s also challenging to do deep work as a nomad. If you want to be productive, you’ve got to settle down and get work done, even while traveling and that can be tough.
I've felt the same. I felt very alone and isolated. Amazing views, but there's more to all of this then that. Thank you for taking the time to read it Wes.
This reminds me of going on vacation. After 4-5 days, I’m sick of it and want to go home. I love my house. I’ve put things in place that I enjoy and so when I travel, I miss it. I miss my dogs, my expensive bed, my desk and my office. I miss the trees outside my window. But I don’t hate vacation. I just am not a person that loves being away from my home. I always thought if I wasn’t an entrepreneur I’d be a good therapist. They are sort of like entrepreneurs with one on one therapy and problem solving. They build connections. They have to follow some rules overall, but they don’t have a lot of micromanaged bosses or leaders looking over their shoulders. Seems like a good way to go - minus all the schooling.
I really enjoyed reading your post and I am actively in the midst of this process of taking small but scary steps to move towards a life that expands me instead of contracts me. I love how you phrased that.
I like what you are saying. Ultimately I think what a lot of us crave is a sense of freedom. Being able to set our own schedule, being able to be somewhere if we want to without having to ask permission or being limited to X days per year. I like to have options... at the moment I like moving around, but I know I will slow down at some point (I already did) and find a balance/compromise. What makes me happy today might not be the same in 1 year or 5 years.
I think that last part is huge. We change so much as humans.
Loved this article - I’ve never thought about digital nomad life from that angle before
Thanks Becky :)
I’ve got so much to say on this. I’ve always been fascinated with the digital nomad life and technically, I could be one now. I’ve been one in the past.
It’s fun for awhile but it gets very lonely. It actually makes you appreciate the security and familiarity of your home base after you’ve nomaded for awhile.
It’s also challenging to do deep work as a nomad. If you want to be productive, you’ve got to settle down and get work done, even while traveling and that can be tough.
I've felt the same. I felt very alone and isolated. Amazing views, but there's more to all of this then that. Thank you for taking the time to read it Wes.
This reminds me of going on vacation. After 4-5 days, I’m sick of it and want to go home. I love my house. I’ve put things in place that I enjoy and so when I travel, I miss it. I miss my dogs, my expensive bed, my desk and my office. I miss the trees outside my window. But I don’t hate vacation. I just am not a person that loves being away from my home. I always thought if I wasn’t an entrepreneur I’d be a good therapist. They are sort of like entrepreneurs with one on one therapy and problem solving. They build connections. They have to follow some rules overall, but they don’t have a lot of micromanaged bosses or leaders looking over their shoulders. Seems like a good way to go - minus all the schooling.
We're quite a like I think!
I love the like minded people here! ♥️
This is not you! SPAM
Is this actually you or did you get hacked?
Thank you for sharing this. A lot of food for thought here.
That you for the kind words Marianne!
I really enjoyed reading your post and I am actively in the midst of this process of taking small but scary steps to move towards a life that expands me instead of contracts me. I love how you phrased that.
Love this! I didn't come up with the terminology, I'm not that clever :)
I really enjoyed this post. I can see your realizations that what we want most are freedom, choice and autonomy. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for taking the time to read Claudia