Isn't this a refreshing take! Well done, Landon. I really needed it.

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Thank you, that means a lot.

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Loved this.

Rather than myth, it feels more like a...incomplete story? Because people achieve 10k months all the time. Until they realize how much money it takes to maintain this number.

It truly is about what you take home. What you keep.

Without sacrificing your most important values: time, sanity, and relationships.

Surely people think about these values when they build their businesses? Do they forget them?

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I think a lot of people are misled and get caught up in trying to keep up with the jones from the programs or masterminds they're in. I did. I was investing SO much into "growing" that I wasn't making anything -- Or growing lol.

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Well done dude. I have made well over that amount a month grinding, but I just took that for granted. In the mean time I was writing books, creating podcasts, starting inventive businesses, launching AI-based Modeling agency, and starting online courses. But I still felt like I hadn't "made it."

It was in a zoom conversation with Russell Nohelty (through Write • Build • Scale) that I was sharing all this, to tell him, "but how do I have YOUR success?" that he said, "Dang dude, maybe I should learn from you!" I was fixated on the almighty dollar, and failed to see of all things I had accomplished without the glamorous paycheck attached to it. His comment shifted they way I viewed my accomplishments, and the "success" it had brought. My new statement is, "I have had great success through the GRIND, now I want to be known for my MIND."

Hats off to you for reducing the monthly expenses down to that level. I still need to grind heavily to pay the monthly expenses. Still, insightful writers like you are shifting my focus and the direction of my life. So thanks brother, you are making impact in countless lives.

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Thank you David. I still get caught up in it all, and even through conversations with you I can sense envy rearing it's ugly head. It's a very very interesting world we live in. There's so much black and white thinking and I think it's because living in the middle super freaking hard. These are things I still actively contemplate daily and even though I've brought expenses down, and increased profits, that doesn't mean the thoughts don't occasionally come up going damn I wish I was making $50k.

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Favorite read of this week! Love the writing.

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A fresh perspective that's grounded in reality and not the "raking in millions while I sleep" marketing promo that far too many are sharing on social media these days!!

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